Week 1 Brčko Graphic Novel Project

Here are photos from Week 1 of our Brčko Graphic Novel Project.

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Brčko Graphic Novel project started on 24th The project is coordinated by Dina Vosanovic and the Graphic Novel Instructor is Vladimir Tomic, a young artist from Brčko. He is going to offer a 6-week course in graphic novel design to 14 university-aged youth and stay to assist with the project in general and exhibition at the end of the project. After 6 weeks these fourteen young people will teach a group of 28 children the graphic novel technique, each taking on a two children to mentor directly. The children they work with will be offered a less formalised course as an opportunity to learn the basic skills behind graphic novel design. They will learn basic techniques in drawing and storyboarding, producing their own stories over a 2-week period of class activities. Upon completion of the children’s course, the youth and children will put on together a public exhibition in Brčko of their work on oversized storyboards to share their peer and families. This project will last from 24th November 2014 to 30th January 2015.

We will document the project as it progresses!

