Summer Camps

We have been running Summer Camps since 1999, offering young people from Brčko a chance to travel or to take part in music, art, swimming, and games, while meeting people from all over the world thanks to support from our international volunteers.

Between 1999 and 2008 the camps took place on the Croatian coast; for many youth this was their only chance to travel and to visit the sea. Unfortunately, after 2009 the Brčko local government was unable to continue to provide funding for youth activities based outside Brcko, making travel to Croatia as a large group unaffordable.

Our summer camps now include a wide variety of activities, which take place both inside and outside of Brčko. These consist of Music and Drama camps outside of Brčko, followed by a week of music, drama, arts and craft and education activities in Brčko itself. We believe distributing the locales in this way enables us to reach the widest and most diverse audience possible.

Funding for these camps has been covered in recent years by a combination of international donors and support from the Brčko local government.

Svitac is now raising funds for its 2018 summer camp.

If you are interested to donate, please, visit: