Zero-Discrimination Day 2023

Svitac (Firefly in Bosnia) celebrated on Thursday 02.03.2023 with 16+ participants in a series of discussions and workshops Zero-Discrimination Day. Zero-Discrimination Day is observed on the 1st of March each year and aims to fight structural and cultural prejudice and advance equality and fairness in societies around the world. It also underlines how people can become informed about and promote inclusion, compassion, peace, and, above all, a movement for change.

Our objective was to give participants the tools to think critically about the world around them. For our first activity, we looked at how role models and representation in media can influence our own biases.

Then for our second activity, we focused on gender discrimination and unconscious bias, we talked about what unconscious bias is, how it happens, and examples in everyday life.

We were really impressed with the engagement of participants and during our debrief we were able to enjoy some traditional English cake brought in by one of our international volunteers. The workshop was held at the premises of the Youth center of Brčko District.



Activities, news