Youth Exchange and Study (YES) – Debate on Thanksgiving and tolerance

On the 22nd of November, the day of Thanksgiving, Svitac’s (Firefly’s) volunteers were invited to attend a debate organized by Youth Exchange and Study (YES) in the American corner of Brčko’s library. Other than the people of YES and Svitac (Firefly), the event was attended by around 15 students of high school (Gymnasium).

The topic of the event was the American Holiday of Thanksgiving, and its relation to tolerance. Participants were shown a video about the history of Thanksgiving, and then were invited to give their opinion about the holiday.

Though the debate was organized in honour of Thanksgiving, it was about tolerance in a broader sense. The participants were able to speak out and discuss with each other how their daily life in Brčko is influenced by tolerance and intolerance. Students from all different ethnic backgrounds and religions were given the freedom to express their opinions and hear those of peers from different backgrounds.

Events like today’s debate are important in maintaining the tolerance amongst Brčko District’s youth and empower them to recognize and stand up to intolerance. We would like to thank YES for a very fruitful and informative afternoon!




Activities, news