World Refugee Day

In 2001, the UN General Assembly declared the 20th of June “World Refugee Day”, which is now celebrated internationally.

Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) held a workshop for children aged 4-7, where they discussed the security of their homes and whether they live in a country that’s dangerous or peaceful. Then, the participants were asked to identify a few countries that face problems with violence that caused their citizens to flee. The conversation was adapted to their younger age. At the end of the workshop, they were asked to colour a worksheet on the theme of the workshop.

The second group of participants aged 8-13 years participated in an interactive play, adapted to their age, in which they acted out the roles of a family that had to leave their home. The participants were asked to find a solution for moving to a safe zone and ensuring safe passage across the border. In the final half an hour, the participants created postcards with messages for people who had to leave their country.

The workshops were attended by 27 participants aged 4 to 13 years. The workshops were held in the premises of the Youth Center Brčko District.




Activities, news