World Life Experience Team Visits Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Youth organization Svitac (Firefly) was host to a group of participants from the World Life Experience project from April 9-19th. World Life Experience takes 11 people around the world for 1 year: travelling, discovering, interacting and working with local people and organizations.

We would like to share a bit of our experience with this incredible group of people.

From the first day everything went as planned. We started with brief introductions where World Life Experience group met with our youth center volunteers, both international and local. Then we introduced them to the Svitac organization and daily schedule. They were excited to get involved with the organization and get to know Bosnia and Brčko.

During their visit they were able to participate in a variety of interesting activities. Morning activities included visiting the Faculty of Economics, Ellie Maxwell Youth Center, Brcko District City Hall, Legat Ekmečić, supporting daily workshops with the children and creating a map to demonstrate their travels. The map was a way to present their World Life Experience project and encourage young people in Brčko to develop a multiethnic life. Some of the afternoon activities included a boat ride on the Sava river organized in cooperation with the Diving Club. We also visited the Pajić Vineyard where we tried 5 very tasty wines. On Saturday we had a chance to spend some time in Ethno Village Stanišići where they were able to see some cultural sites.

After Brčko, participants spent a few days in Sarajevo with our coordinator Miloš. There they had a meeting with the Narko-Ne organization. Also, while in Sarajevo they visited Trebević Mountain where the 1984 Winter Olympics were held. After their short visit in Bosnia and Hercegovina the group now resumes their journey and invites young people to apply to become the second edition of World Life Experience participants.

We enjoyed hosting World Life Experience and hope they gained knowledge from their stay. We wish them all the best in their travels and learning.

For more information about World Life Experience, how to apply for the 2nd edition and embark on the global journey that has local impact visit their website:





Activities, news