World Environment Day, also known as ‘Eco Day’, is celebrated every year on the 5th of June. Unfortunately, we are all aware of the climate change side effects, air pollution, and habitat loss for many species, humans too! Marking this day the United Nations are encouraging awareness and action to protect the environment.

Svitac (Firefly in Bosnia) has celebrated this day with the youngest participants. They watched an educational video about ecology in English (adapted to their age) and learned some keywords such as plastic, paper, water, nature, air, and pollution. Our volunteers also talked to them about recycling and waste disposal. There were also three boxes with labels paper, plastic, and food waste. Their task was to separate waste into three teams, as quickly as possible. The group has also made a symbolic poster about the environment.

The workshop was held on the premises of the Youth Centre Brcko District of BiH.



Activities, news