World Environment Day 2022

World Environment Day, also known as ‘Eco Day’, is celebrated every year on the 5th of June and is one of the United Nations’ main tools for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of the environment.

Svitac (Firefly in Bosnia) has celebrated this day with the youngest participants. In the introductory part of the workshop, we talked with them about waste disposal and sorting, and about ecology in general. After that, we watched a video on this topic and with a working method adapted to their age, we discussed the photos they saw (mostly photos in nature and garbage found in green areas).

Throughout the game, we also practised sorting garbage into special small containers – for plastic, paper and bio garbage. In the last part of the workshop, participants drew trees, the sun or “Komunalno” workers that keep our city clean. We also treated our youngest to fresh fruits and vegetables and gave them a green leaf on a wooden stick.

The workshop was held on the premises of the Youth Centre Brčko District of BiH.



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