World Environment Day

For the last 40 years June 5th has been celebrated as World Environment Day, a day to raise awareness of the importance of environmental protection. This date falls on the anniversary of the United Nations Conference in Stockholm in 1972, where the UN Environmental Program was adopted. The conference underlined the need to create a balance between the needs of mankind and the limited capabilities that the planet can provide.

To commemorate World Environmental Day, Youth Organization Svitac (Firefly) organized a workshop for 4-7 year olds together with international and local volunteers on the topic of the environment. The participants created a picture of a butterfly on dot to dot worksheets, which represented a clean earth. There was also a short video recording, where the participants sang “The frogs complained”.

Our afternoon group also participated in a World Environment Day workshop. The participants had the opportunity to look at two short videos on environmental issues, and together with local and international volunteers to plant a plant that will now continue to grow in our working room. In the third part of the workshop they made hand bags out of old t-shirts in order to draw attention to the excessive use of plastic bags.





Activities, news