World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development 2022

The United Nations proclaimed the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development to celebrate the richness of the world’s cultures and the essential role of intercultural dialogue in achieving peace and sustainable development.

Svitac (Firefly in Bosnia) marked this day with international volunteers, participants aged 4-7 and high school students. We talked with our youngest participants about the Sava River; the Sava borders several countries in the region (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, BiH). On the diversity of cultures and bridges that rise above the river, we dedicated the second part of the workshop to make little paper boats which would pass beneath such bridges and through each region.

With high school participants, we held a workshop on the richness of cultural diversity in the UK, the different dialects and food diversity; we also discussed England, Ireland and Scotland in more detail. Our goal for today’s activities is to embrace the differences and to develop respect and mutual understanding for different cultures.

The activities were held at the premises of the Brčko District Youth centre.



Activities, news