World Day Against Child Labour

The World Day against Child Labour is marked on June 12, with the aim of raising awareness of the inadmissibility of child labour and launching actions in the world against child labour.

Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) held a workshop for children aged 4-7 years, where they discussed the exploitation of children. The conversion was naturally adapted to their age. At the end of the workshop, they coloured a worksheet with the message – stop the exploitation of children -.

The second group of participants watched two short documentary films adapted to their subject and age, discussing the rights of children and seeing child labour and exploitation in their neighbourhood. On the creative piece of the workshop, they made a poster with a message – a child’s smile is worth more than any job.

The workshops were attended by 22 participants aged 4 to 13. The workshops were held in the premises of the Youth Centre Brčko District BiH.




Activities, news