World Day Against Child Labour

The World Day Against Child Labour is marked annually on June 12th. It was first celebrated in 2002 by the International Labour Organization (ILO), to raise awareness and launch action in the world against child labour.

The Youth Organization Svitac (Firefly) created for this day, together with international and local volunteers, a workshop for young people aged 4-7 years, and with the age of 8+.
4-7 year old participants discussed with the Workshop Coordinator, in an age-appropriate manner, the topics of child care and child rights, and drew themselves and their peers on a big poster under the label of “Carefree Childhood”.

In the afternoon, the “World Day Against Child Labour“ workshop was held for 8+ participants. The participants watched several short videos on the current topic, adapted to their age, and then participated in a discussion. At the end of the workshop, they played “Social Monopoly”, in which they had certain rules for movement, adjusted to a particular law of the child.




Activities, news