Weltwärts Conference in Halle/Saale, Germany

Between the 9th and the 14th of May, Gordana and Dina attended the conference “Challenges in our Weltwärts voluntary service” and visited ‘Friedenskreis Halle, e.V.’, a partner organisation based in Halle/Saale, Germany. The conference was funded by the Weltwärts Programme and organised by the sending organisations: “Eirene”, “Schüler helfen leben”, ”Pax Christi Aachen” and “Friedenskreis Halle”. A main aim of the conference was to engage partner organisations into discussing Weltwärts existing cooperation structures and finding possible solutions for improvements. Partner organisations were invited to exchange their views on and experiences with the current practices, goals and impacts of the Weltwärts voluntary service. The conference included several educational workshops covering different topics within the field of mentoring a volunteer. All weltwärts partner organisations from South-Eastern Europe attended this conference.

