My volunteering at Svitac – Theresa Bittmann, Austria

“From my first day onward I felt immediately integrated in the team of Svitac. It is admirable how much energy the local staff as well as the international volunteers invest for the children to have a fun, creative and educational time. Working with the kids it is obvious that they greatly benefit from the contact with many different international volunteers, they are very open-minded, curious and keen on learning foreign languages. Not only do they want to learn languages, the older ones are pretty good teachers of the local language themselves; I was so surprised how considerate and patient they were with me trying to improve my local language skills. Yet there is more to this experience: Bosnia and Herzegovina is such a beautiful yet little discovered country. It is rich in history and nature with wonderful food and very friendly people. Brcko is a lovely town, easy to get around, with a nice scenery directly located at the Sava river and plenty opportunities to keep you occupied during spare times. To sum up I can only say that I would truly recommend this experience to everyone who wants to work with kids in a hidden jewel.”


Theresa Bittmann, Austria

Svitac Volunteer, April-June 2016


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