My volunteering at Svitac – John Richardson, USA

“I just completed my one-month volunteer assignment in Bosnia with Svitac and wanted to pass along my thoughts. The local staff and other volunteers were excellent. They received me with open arms and made it very easy to get involved and start helping right away. The children who participate in the daily workshop are precious; I will truly miss them. As the workshops contain a variety of games and sports I feel it is imperative that older volunteers such as myself are in good physical condition. I do not think my experience would have been as fulfilling had I not been able to participate in the activities with the kids. Brcko is a nice little town, very friendly and safe. My accommodation, living with a Svitac staff member was very good. I was able to rapidly learn about and enjoy the local culture. As a long-time friend of Bosnia i Herzegovina I have wanted to participate in a volunteer activity of this kind for a long time. I am so glad to have had this opportunity. I made many new friends and will leave with wonderful life time memories. Thank you”


John Richardson, USA

Svitac Volunteer, June 2016




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