My volunteering at Svitac – Johanna Weng, Germany

“I began my volunteering experience at the end of September 2015 and stayed for eight months with Omladinska organizacija Svitac. Immediately being welcomed by fellow staff and volunteers, I quickly found my place at work but also in the local community. Very soon, Brčko felt like home. I enjoyed working in a welcoming, vibrant, positive and inspiring atmosphere with amazing people from all over the world.
During my time as a volunteer, I organized arts and crafts and language workshops for people from a variety of ages and had the possibility to plan an Anti – Racism Day and a film evening in the German language together with another volunteer. I assisted on bigger events of Svitac such as Halloween party, New Year’s Party, Spring Festival and Future Shorts Film Festival. I benefited a lot from the support around me but also from the freedom to bring my own ideas, set up my own project and being creative. Returning to Germany, I will take with me a lot of positive energy, happiness, motivation and gratitude for this experience.”

Johanna Weng, Svitac EVS volunteer
October 2015 – May 2016


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