VISIT TO NEFF – Nürnberg, Germany

Hertha Steinmaier – board member of Nürnberger Evangelischer Forum für den Frieden (NEFF) – Nürnberg evangelical forum for peace, Germany – kindly invited  Edina and Sanjin Vošanović – Svitac representatives – to spend 8 days (20th- 28th June 2016) in Nürnberg, Germany. During their stay in Nürnberg, Edina and Sanjin attended a series of meetings with representatives and members of NEFF, and participated to interviews with journalists from a radio station and a local newspaper (Nürnberger Nachrichten). In those days, Alexandra Senfft – German writer and UNRWA public information officer in Palestine from the beginning of first Intifada to 1991 – was presenting her book ”Fremder Feind, so nah”. Attending the presentation, Edina and Sanjin had the chance to discuss with Alexandra the current situation in Israel and Palestine and the similarities between the Bosnian war and today’s situation in Palestine. On Thursday 23rd June, Edina and Sanjin presented Svitac’s work in the NEFF’s working spaces (Zionsgemeinde). The event was moderated by Elisabeth Fischer.


