The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on March 21st. On that day in 1960, police opened fire on people protesting against the system of apartheid in Sharpsville, South Africa, and as such the UN decided in 1966 that this was an appropriate day to show opposition to and solidarity against racism in all its forms around the world. As a country of diversity Bosnia and Herzegovina needs to spread the message of solidarity, united against all forms of racial discrimination.

At Svitac (Firefly in Bosnia) we hosted an event with teenagers and young adults. We encouraged them to share their views on topics: racism problem in the constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, racism on the borders and migration in Europe, racism during COVID-19 pandemic, local problems with racism and personal experiences of discrimination. Participants had a lively discussion that touched on discrimination and poor treatment of diverse migrants on European borders, as well as personal experiences. The participants also talked about discrimination against women, disabled people, and students with disabilities, and discrimination based on nationality.

At the end of the workshop, the group has made a poster expressing our thoughts on these issues and writing messages. The event had a lively and active atmosphere, and it was a great opportunity for young people to make their voice heard and explore different types of discrimination, but especially show opposition to racism! Svitac (Firefly in Bosnia) is proud that young people took the time to get involved and explore such an important issue, in ways that are relevant to their experiences.

The workshop was held at the premises of the Youth centre Brčko District BiH.



Activities, news