Svitac participated in Initiative ‘Raise Your Voice’

On Wednesday the 14th December Svitac hosted an evening event in collaboration with local students association “Lokalni tim – ASuBiH Brčko district“ to promote Svitac and ASuBiH activities to local young people. Svitac workshops in English, German, art, sport and samba music along with ASuBiH all presented their activity as well as doing short interactive activities to engage those who attended.

To close the event, Svitac led a short discussion on the topic of youth involvement and participation in their local community and particularly Svitac activities.

We opened the floor to those young people who attended and asked them what they would like to see from Svitac for example what other workshops they would like us to provide and how best to advertise/have contact with young people. We also discussed the opportunity to be a local volunteer with Svitac and to take part in EVS (European Voluntary Service) and go abroad, with Svitac as their sending organization.


This video was made as part of Svitac’s participation in a project called ‘Raise Your Voice’


