Three camps took place from 26th to 30th August and Children’s Day on 31st August in the Youth Centre. Summer camps included Creative, Language, and Music camps. Workshops were held every day from Monday to Friday, each lasting 2 and a half hours. This year summer camps were educational, fun, colourful, and an event for participants to meet new friends and learn new things.

  • Creative – Language camp – The group has implemented various activities on the topic “Languages, Art and Future” and has created with children many amazing designs and drawings. The participants learned about art in general and learned many interesting facts about languages and artists. The international volunteers from the UK and Germany were helping and supporting the activities, talking to children and animating them to speak.
  • Music camp – This year music camp has gathered a group of young teenagers. They got introduced to the instruments, learned basic rhythms, and practiced playing the tune “Pink Panther” on Boomwhackers and other musical instruments, including two trombones. This tune was presented at a Children’s Day event.
  • Children’s Day – Children’s Day was held on 31st August in the Youth center. It was a big finale where all participants presented the results of the week. The parents and friends enjoyed the exhibition and the program prepared by local and international volunteers. Children were happy to visit different stations (obstacle games, face painting, and quiz stations). They also got presents during the Bingo game in the park and enjoyed the sunny weather. It was amazing to see the happiness on the children’s faces enjoying this event. This was a special day just for them and their family members and they were proud to present what they had learned during the week.

The project Summer camps and Children’s Day is an annual event that brings people from Brčko together.

                   Total participants in summer camps: 80       

                   Total participants Children’s Day: 110


Activities, news