Three camps took place from 23rd to 27th August and Children’s Day on 28th August in the Youth Centre. Summer camps included Creative, Language and Music camps. Workshops were held every day from Monday to Friday and each workshop lasted 2 and a half hours.



  • Creative camp – The creative camp implemented five themes: Anime – a style of Japanese film and television animation, Collage – a celebration of diversity, the culture of Graffiti, Eco journey and Day of Children’s Rights. The participants, different ethnicities had a chance to learn and work in a neutral place and make different interesting and art items from diverse and recycling materials, but also to learn more about different cultures, diversity and other important topics.
  • Language camp – Participants of the language camp had the opportunity to attend workshops in English, Russian, Turkish and Sign language. The general topic was Holidays and international festivals around the world (winter, spring and summer break and traditional holidays). They talked about many religions and how people celebrate their important and special days, what gifts they exchange with each other, if they like travelling or not, things they normally pack in their suitcases when they travel, what kind of food they eat for these holidays and about favourite food, music and destinations. Volunteers also taught the participants some useful words and phrases in these languages.
  • Music camp – In the first half of the week, participants were mainly playing on samba instruments, creating and composing their own composition out of short musical ideas and rhythmical motifs. The composition was named “Funky”. After that recording process started, along with writing lyrics. River, as a natural flowing watercourse, was the subject of a song. A lot of time was dedicated to audio and video editing throughout the week. Before every workshop, the group discussed and planned the upcoming activities and prepared materials, instruments and equipment for that day. After the workshop, there was a debrief meeting where they would sum up and reflect on what and how it was done.
  • Children’s Day – Children’s Day was held on 28th August in the Youth centre. The program started at 12:00 and parents and friends of the camps’ participants were able to see what they learned in the previous 5 days of the camps. Music camp made a song and video “About the rivers” which was recorded and played for the audience and posted on Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) social networks. The Creative camp’s participants have presented the five topics they have been working on and had an exhibition of art items with beautiful and useful decorations. The Language camp performed three songs in English and did posters to present their week. All visitors were able to play various competitive games, to experience face painting and got nice and useful presents for school during Bingo (tombola).

                   Total participants summer camps: 75       

                   Total participants Children’s Day: 120


Activities, news