Three camps took place from 27th to 31st August and Children’s Day on 1st September in the Youth Centre. Summer camps included Creative, Language and Music camps. Workshops were held every day from Monday to Friday and each workshop lasted 2 and half hours.


  • Creative camp – The theme of the creative camp was “ECOLOGY ART”. Every day started with short introduction about daily tasks and participants were asked different questions about ecology and environment awareness and fun facts in general. The participants of different ethnicities had a chance to learn and work in a neutral place and make different interesting art items from recycling materials, but also to learn more about ecology and environment awareness. The final results of the Creative camp’s activities were the exhibition and the quiz about ecology. In order to create a mosaic Julie Norburn, from UK organization Art 4Space, worked closely with Ivana Knežić, a local Svitac (Firefly) volunteer. Ivana processed rigorous training from initial design, how to cut and place the files, grouting and completion. She will now use this skills to inspire further projects for the Brčko community. The coordinator of the creative camp was Edina Vošanović and assistants were local volunteers Almedina Pezerović and Ivana Knežić.
  • Language camp – Participants of the language camp had opportunity to attend workshops in English and Spanish. It was a nice change from everyday routine for everyone and it was very dynamic and motivating for participants. During the workshops they learned and improved their vocabulary related to free time activities and personal information (All about me!), food world (Come and play, make a fruit basket!), entertainment can start (Music Fest Day) and project day (Cultural diversity in BiH), Spanish Day (¡Hola a todos! ¡Bienvenidos a Svitac!). The coordinators of the language camp were Merima Hajdarević and Kristina Varcaković while assistants were local volunteers (Jovana Lukić, Nadia Selimi and Ines Močević).
  • Music camp – The camp coordinator was Sanjin Vošanović and three international and local volunteers (Adin Midžić, Mehmed Hidanović and Florian Pauleck) participated in preparing and leading parts of everyday workshops. Every workshops started with warm up, slowly crossing to carefully chosen games of rhythm, measure, dynamics and team work (different each day). All of the games increased in difficulty and variety with enough space and time left for volunteers to introduce game of their choice. While learning how to play different rhythms on various surfaces, participants were engaged in exploring a palette of sound colours (timbre) they are exposed to in everyday life but are not necessarily considered “musical”. Plastic and metal bins, construction tools, samba instruments, a lot of drum sticks and boomwhackers, were used as instruments and rhythmical introduction to group activities, cooperation and team work. Mixer, microphone, active sound box, cables, sound card and laptop were used for creative and recording activities. Participants were able to individually create musical ideas, listen to those ideas in a group and then exchange and rearrange them.
  • Children’s Day – Children’s Day was held on 1st September in the Youth centre. The program started at 12:00 and parents and friends of the camps’ participants were able to see what they learned in previous 5 days of the camps. Svitac music camp recorded the song that was played as a background music of the “ecological cat – walk” prepared by Creative camp. The Creative camp’s participants have presented the project “Ecology art and mosaic” and had an exhibition of art items in the hall of the Youth center for the parents and friends with beautiful decoration of drawings. There was also a quiz about the ecology and recycling. The Language camp performed three songs in English and did posters to present their week. All visitors were able to play various competitive games, to experience face painting and got nice and useful presents for school during Bingo (bingo).

                   Total participants summer camps: 80       

                   Total participants Children’s Day: 150


Activities, news