Summer Camps 2016

Summer Camps 2016 took place in the youth centre, from 22nd to 26th August and Children’s Day was held on 27th August. Summer camps included Creative, Language and Music camps. Workshops were held every day from Monday to Friday and each workshop lasted 2 and half hours.

  • Creative Camp – The theme of the creative camp was “7 continents – one world”. Participants had the opportunity to socialise and play whilst learning about geography; different countries and the culture, food and customs that are unique to each of them. They achieved this using different kinds of arts and crafts materials, (such as: cardboard, paper, plastic bottles, bamboo sticks, plasticine, scissors, glue, pencils, spray paint, tempera and various other types of paints) to build iconic landscapes and landmarks from each of the 7 continents. The coordinator of the creative camp was Edina Vošanović and the assistants were international volunteers from Austria (Vanessa Brumen), Germany (Leni Muller) and the UK (Eleonore Pearson and Trang Pham Hong). The local volunteer was Maja Tomic.
  • Music Camp – The camp coordinator Sanjin Vosanovic and the three volunteers (Anne Bonnitz, Monica Reeves and Adin Midžić) worked together to prepare and lead different parts of their workshops everyday. Every workshop started with a warm up, which slowly crossed over into carefully chosen games (different each day) and ended by practicing the composition “Funk” chosen for the performance. Throughout the week there was enough space and time left for volunteers to introduce games of their choice. All of the games were of rhythmical nature, and focused on developing teamwork, self-confidence and group cooperation. The volunteers offered a large variety of games, which gradually increased in difficulty over the week. There was also a section of the workshops dedicated to making instruments with found objects. This part of the workshop was prepared and led by Anne Bonnitz and Monica Reeves. As part of this mini project, the participants were asked to play “Funk” (the performance composition) using the instruments they had made and incorporating larger bins and plastic barrels for variety. On Saturday 29th August participants performed “Funk” (the composition they were practicing over the week) using samba percussion instruments.
  • Language Camp – Participants of the language camp had opportunity to attend workshops in English, Italian and German. During the workshops they learned new, and improved their existing, vocabulary related to the seasons (summer and winter), vacations and sports clothing. They also learned the basics of the Italian language and the main sights and features of the countries where English is used as first language. The coordinator of the language camp was Sladjana Basic and the assistants were EVS International volunteers (Christian Mannell, Vanessa Brumen and Jonas Kiesner) as well as local volunteers (Matea Brkic, Nadja Selimi, Ines Moćević and Katarina Mirkovic).
  • Children’s Day – Children’s Day was held on 27th August in the Youth centre, from 12:00 until 15:00. Parents and friends of the camps’ participants were invited to see what had been achieved and learned in the previous 5 days of the camps. The visitors were given a short tour and were able to see the exhibition of drawings, models and sculptures made by the Creative camp, there was also a display and presentation from the language camp, and there were live music performances from Svitac’s youngest participants, the Music Camp and Svitac’s adult music group. Children’s day also included the opportunity for Summer camp attendees to play various competitive games, to experience face painting, to have a few refreshments and to take part in Bingo and receive fun and useful presents for school.

Total participants Summer Camps: 60

Total participants Children’s Day: 150



