Summer Camps 2015


Our Summer camps in 2015 around Brčko were organised from 24th to 28th August with a Children’s Day held on the 29th of August. The summer camps consisted of Creative, Language and Music camps. Workshops were held every day from Monday to Friday and each workshop lasted 2 hours. An Intercultural evening was organised on 28th August where international and local volunteers made presentations describing their home culture.

  • 50 children and young people attended the Creative, Language and Music camps
  • 60 people attended the Intercultural evening
  • 150 children attended Children’s Day

Creative summer camp

The creative summer camp had one main theme – “Ecology and our Environment”. The participants had a chance to make interesting items out of recycled materials like plastic, card board, plastic bottles canisters, paper and different fabrics, as well as clay and plastic. They created things such as high fashion clothes, assessors, an eco-model town, drawings of healthy environments and a water pump.

Language summer camp

This year our summer camps included different language activities in a language camp, which proved very dynamic and motivating for the children. Based on our previous experience, we decided it was best to keep introducing a little bit of diversity this year for the kids. Language camp activities were divided in three different parts. The first part was English language camp, the second French and the third German. English workshops were planned for the first two days of the language camp, while French lasted one day and German two days in the third, fourth and fifth days of the week.

Music summer camp

Every music workshop started with a warm up, slowly moving on to carefully chosen games (that were different each day) and concluding by practicing the composition chosen for the performance. All of the music games were of a rhythmic nature, team-based and meant to boost self-confidence. The level of difficulty and variety of compositions was gradually boosted while offering time and space for volunteers to introduce games of their own choice. On Saturday 29th August the participants performed publically J.S Bach’s piece “BWV 147” using the Boomwhackers they had been practicing with over the past week.

Children’s Day

Children’s Day was a big finale where the participants presented the results of the summer camps. All staff and volunteers had different tasks and duties like decorating, sound systems, moderating the event and presenting the results of each camp. Preparation started at 9:00am and the event itself started at 12:00 noon, finishing at 3:00pm. The music camp included a boomwhackers performance. The creative camp participants presented “high fashion clothes on the cat walk” and held an exhibition consisting of beautiful drawings and an eco-model town. The language camp created posters to present their week of learning English, German and French. The international Weltwaerts and EVS volunteers from Great Britain and Germany Isambard Rayner, Nicolas Zdun, Tamara Wonner, Kate Roberts, Catriona O´Sullivan and Sarah El Taki organised different exhibits like a photo studio, face painting, games and competitions. Children had a lot of fun competing and just being together. ‘Bingo’ was organised at the end of this event where all participants got useful school equipment and materials.



