Summer camp Pećka 2023

A music camp was organized in the last week of July at the Pecka Visitor Center in the municipality of Mrkonjić Grad (the western part of Republika Srpska, an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina) from July 24 to July 30. Twenty-three young people aged 16-19 participated in the camp’s activities.

Two music workshops were held each day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Morning workshops included all participants engaging in rhythm games, working and playing on prepared compositions, but also making new ones and composing in a group, thereby developing teamwork, cooperation, and enhancing communication through musical interaction. The group was split up into smaller groups in the afternoon to work on songs they enjoy, create their own, or perfect a musical composition performed in the morning workshop.

There was time set aside for sports, hiking, painting, and movie nights in addition to music-related activities.

All of the events described above aimed to promote and strengthen cross-cultural interaction among participants and volunteers.



Activities, news