Orange Day

On 25th February Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) was a part of an event called ‘Orange Day’. ‘Orange Day’ is declared from the United Nations to be held on every 25th in the month.

The goal of this event is to raise awareness and take action to end violence against women and girls.

The workshops were coordinated by Svitac’s (Firefly Bosnia’s) daily coordinator Adin Midžić, as a part of „UMiD“ training for youth leaders. Training is organised by “Institut za razvoj mladih Kult“ and supported by Embassy of Kingdom of Sweden BiH. ‘Orange Day’ happened simultaneously in 13 local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) held two workshops. First workshop was held for the age group from 4 to 6 years old. The goal of the workshop was to pair a boy and a girl together; they would support each other to finish the tasks during the workshop. In the creative part of the workshop a task was to draw a present for their pair. The workshop was attended by 23 participants and was held from 11am to 1pm at the premises of the Youth centre Brčko District.

Second workshop was attended by 10 participants age 15+. At the beginning of the workshop, they watched a short documentary video about violence on women and girls in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Afterwards, they discussed in a group the types of violence, how to recognize it in their own community and what are the steps taken to prevent it. In the end, they were informed about all safe houses in Bosnia and Herzegovina and SOS phone numbers for preventing the violence. The workshop was held from1-2pm at the premises of the Youth centre Brčko District.


Activities, news