October 2015 Activities and Halloween

A description of our October 2015 Activities and Halloween Annual Party at Svitac in Brčko, Bosnia, follows.

Halloween 2015 dracula

This year we once again hosted our Annual Halloween party at the Brčko Youth Centre. Young children participated in the morning, and children over 10 years of age in the evening. In total 150 kids, teenagers and parents took part in the event.

There were some very creative costumes, like this young lady’s frightening make-up job!

Halloween 2015 2

You can check out more pictures on our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.832834156815545.1073741924.313657268733239&type=3

Meanwhile, our REGULAR ACTIVITIES in October included:

  1. Music workshops — samba, guitar, choir, music workshops for children
  2. Culture and Art Diversity around the World — which includes English, German, Art&Crafts, Music and Sports workshops from Monday to Friday
    1. A Small Group was able to learn a funny facts about each craft they made (animals, numbers, butterflies, lanterns, colours, snakes, weather…etc.). All these activities had an aim to teach children how to improve or gain fine motor skills without forcing the use of a pencil, to understand and recognize numbers when they see them (this month was number one). The games were made to develop their sense for altruism and empathy, teamwork and its benefit, friendship and respect. A lot of different music was used in order to make workshops more interesting, but at the same time to develop children’s sense for coordination and discipline.
    2. An Older Group made its first audio sound, which was played during Halloween Party. They really liked to brainstorm ideas, think as a team and be creative. Apart from making music, the participants had the opportunity to learn and hear how the clarinet sounds, as well as the differences between the clarinet, trumpet and saxophone.
  3. Language workshops (English, German)
  4. Drama
  5. Sports workshops (“Freeletics” and Karate) – Karate workshops offer a nice training for children that includes: warming up, repeated infringement exercises, karate techniques (Senkutsu Dachi – Eu Zuki, Kesa Gatame, Show Seio Nage, Mai Geri), and at the end stretching.

In October there were 138 participants in our regular Svitac workshops, excluding the Halloween Annual Party. Participant ages ranged from 4 to 40 years old. The youngest and the oldest participants attended the Culture and Art Diversity around the World workshops, and the English/German workshops for adults.


