On December 15th 2018, Svitac (Firefly) ended its “Tolerance and Cultural Diversity” project with the annual New Year’s Party at Brčko’s youth centre. It was a night filled with music, games, and lots of laughter!

The event started at 6pm with a program for both the children and their parents. First there was a screening of two videos of Svitac’s (Firefly’s) work in 2018, including a video about this year’s summer camps. After the videos there was a classical guitar performance, and the children aged 4-7 sang the local songs “Vuče Vuče Bubo Lenja” and “Deda Mraze Ne Skreci Sa Staze” on stage. After the songs, the children were joined on stage by Svitac’ local and international volunteers to sing the Christmas classic “Jingle Bells”.

When the opening of the event was over, the parents went home and the children got to enjoy a number of games and arts and crafts. For the children aged 4-7 there was arts and crafts, and for the children aged 8+ there was an arts and crafts station, as well as a game station where participants played the games “Snake” and “Human Rock Paper Scissors”.

After the activities everyone was invited back into the main room for a new year’s bingo, where all participants got a present when their number was called. The event ended with refreshments, where participants had the chance meet new friends and enjoy traditional food from Germany, Poland, Turkey, and Holland, prepared by our international volunteers.

Svitac’s (Firefly’s) New Year’s Party was attended by around 120 participants and guests, and was made possible with the support of its staff, local and international volunteers, and all participants.




Activities, news