My volunteering at Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) – Servet Bilmez, Turkey

Hello, I am Servet from Turkey. I am an engineer, 26 years old.
First of all, I would like to say thank you to GAP Gençlik Derneği and Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) because they give me the opportunity for volunteering and getting a new experience by participating in the project “Volunteer For Hope”.

In this project, I participated with one more volunteer from GAP Gençlik Derneği organisation. We spend a nice month in Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) and did a lot of activities during Svitac’s (Firefly Bosnia’s) daily workshops, Summer camps and free time with youth.

I would recommend this Project to everybody who would like to meet different cultures, nationalities and friendly people. Brcko is a perfect town for that. It looks like a small town but it’s not. There, you can do so many different things. If you are interested in taking photos, in Brčko you can discover lots of wonderful places to do that.

Thank you GAP Gençlik Derneği and Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) to give me chance to be part of this unbelievable project.

Servet Bilmez, Turkey
Svitac’s (Firefly Bosnia’s) volunteer, August – September 2020

