My volunteering at Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) – Reyhan Ebrar Oçaktan, Turkey

My name is Ebrar. I am from Turkey. I’m 22 years old law student and I’m a volunteer in Svitac’s (Firefly Bosnia’s) project “Volunteer for Hope”. The project is organized in cooperation with organisation GAP Gençlik Derneği from Turkey.

Thanks to this project, I experienced and learned a lot of new things and spent a great month in Brčko. I had the opportunity to meet a new culture and communicate with locals. I also learned the differences and similarities between Turkey and Bosnia.

I and my fellow volunteer Kanan saw a lot of beautiful places in Bosnia. Discovering new places and cultures was an amazing experience for me.

We implemented many workshops with children and we communicated with them without knowing the local languages. We tasted amazing Bosnian food such as ‘burek’ and ‘ćevapi’.

I want to thank Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) and GAP for giving me this opportunity even during the Covid-19 pandemic. It was really a fresh break from my ordinary life. I would like to recommend this Project to everyone who wants to get to know a different culture, tastes traditional food and enjoys beautiful nature with lots of green.

Reyhan Ebrar Oçaktan, Turkey
Svitac’s (Firefly Bosnia’s) volunteer, October 2020


Activities, Volunteer Testimonial