My volunteering at Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) – Dicle Girgin, Turkey

My name is Dicle. I am from Turkey. I am 22 and I am a civil engineer. I came to Brcko to Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) one month ago to be a volunteer for a project which is called ‘Volunteer For Hope’.

This project was enjoyable and informative for me. I have met a lot of nice people here. We shared our culture and we learned almost everything about each other’s countries. This one month was wonderful for me. Because I had the opportunity to spend time with children and local volunteers. I also joined workshops, summer camps and other activities.

I want to thank GAP Gençlik Derneği organisation for giving me this opportunity and I would like to recommend this Project to other people. Because you can spend a great time here. You can learn, teach and have fun at the same time.

Dicle Girgin, Turkey
Svitac’s (Firefly Bosnia’s) volunteer, August – September 2020

