My EVS in Bosnia – Johanna Weng

It is not easy to pack your stuff, take a plain, leave your whole life behind you and go into the unknown. But I did it, and I do not regret it at all.  With the help of my German host organisation, KulturAktiv, I went to Bosnia, in order to work for eight months with Omladinska organizacija Svitac.

I have been living in Brčko for almost four months now. Starting my voluntary service was like beginning a completely new life – new people, a new country and a new workplace, but now, four months later, Brčko feels like home.

The children I work with in the Centre try to speak to me every day, even if they know I do not speak their language very well. Last week, a six-year-old girl came to me and told me “ti si moja najbolja prijateljica” – you are my best friend, even if I cannot understand her all the time. Communication and even friendship can happen without many words and for both sides, the children and me, it’s a learning experience. They have taught me how to enjoy life,  be happy about small things, make something positive out of every day and just to have fun, because, why not?! I enjoy just sitting with the children, pretending to be animals, dancing around the hall, helping them with cutting, gluing and drawing. Just being with them every day makes you become friends regardless of the language barrier. Every day, when I’m coming to the Youth Centre, I’m welcomed by the hugs and self-made presents of the kids: little hearts cut out of paper and cards where they draw butterflies or write something in English.



It is a great experience to work in an international team, where everyone brings different experiences and a different cultural background, where we help and support each other and where I get good feedback about my work. Also, I am able to just try things out and learn by doing. I had no experience in teaching, but now I’m coordinating a German communication group for adults, doing arts and crafts workshops and teaching English. My work here is very varied and by working with lots of different age groups, I face new challenges every day.

Maybe I have made a small change, taught the children some words in English, how to make a dream catcher or draw with salt. However, in the end, the biggest change was made inside me: for me, volunteering is giving your free time to something meaningful and beyond price. It helped me to be more self-motivated, independent and willing to embrace challenges. Also, I got out of my usual routine to be able to think of my life from a different point of view, to cope with difficulties, find my place in a new culture and adapt to it, but also give an insight in my own culture. I enjoy working in an environment where I’m free to bring my ideas and am supported in what I want to do, can be creative and learn to take the initiative.

I’m here because I want to be here, and we are all working for the same intention: bringing people together let them forget about their ethnicity or religion, learn from each other and just being ‘svi zajedno’ – all together.

Johanna Weng, EVS volunteer, Omladinska organizacija Svitac


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