Music seminar – Prijedor, BiH

On the weekend of the 23rd to the 25th of November, participants from Svitac (Firefly) weekly Samba workshop, Jovana Lukić, Adin Midžić, Ismar Mustafić, and Duško Subotić, attended a music seminar in Prijedor.

The seminar was organized by “Manifest” (a local initiative from Prijedor) and “Musicians without borders”. The subject of the seminar was the fusion of contemporary pop-rock genres Bosnia and Herzegovina’s ethno-music.

Throughout the two days young people from Brčko, Mostar, Bihać, and Prijedor participated in three interactive music workshops:
-Traditional music in BiH (vocal tradition and traditional instruments)
-Tradition as an inspiration (from native to contemporary musical creation)
-Percussion workshop.

This weekend’s seminar was part of a project framework that is enforcing intercultural exchange amongst young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina.




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