On Thursday, 13th April, Svitac (Firefly) was visited by Isaac (31 years old) and Nikos (26 years old), who have just started a venture to travel the world using only their motorbikes. The travelling duo stopped over night to Brcko as part of their journey.
They came to Svitac (Firefly) to run a couple of workshop presentations about their motorbike adventures and current world tour project for the youths at the center.

With the 8+ age group Isaac and Nikos held an informal oral presentation, let the children examine their motorcycle equipment and offered a question and answer session.

In the evening they held a visual slide show presentation for the 16+ age group, also with a question and answer session.

The youths found the presentations very interesting and were keen to find out more about Isaac and Nikos’s plans.

Isaac and Nikos have named their motorbike tour: “Mamuts World Tour” and you can find out more about their exciting travels online, on Facebook and Instagram.



Activities, news