JULY AT SVITAC (FIREFLY) – volunteer’s blog

Hello again!

This past month I feel like I have really settled into working at Svitac (Firefly). I spent much of my time working with the children, and I even led a music workshop one afternoon in which I showed everyone how to play with a MIDI controller via the digital audio workstation, FL Studio.

In fact, Svitac (Firefly) hosted many cool workshops in July:

…and more!

Svitac (Firefly) also continued to work with teenage youth in July. Early in the month a promotional workshop for ONAuBIH (@ONAuBiH on Facebook) was held, which went over the importance of a strong media in Bosnia and the value of the NGO sector in Brčko District. We also got an update from one of our local Svitac (Firefly) volunteers, Sandra Đurić, who is volunteering abroad through EVS in Padova, Italy; you can read a little bit about her experience in her post on the Svitac blog.

We had two Svitac (Firefly) coordinators go abroad last month to spread the word about the work Svitac (Firefly) is doing in Brčko. Edina and Sanjin Vošanović had the opportunity to participate in an interactive human rights workshop in Nürnberg, Germany. You can read more about the event here on our blog and check out some pictures from the event on our Facebook page.

Our coordinator Miloš also went to Sarajevo in July, participating in a meeting of Erasmus+ volunteer organizations from BiH and Montenegro. As an organization with extensive experience in this programme, Svitac (Firefly) had a lot to offer to the discussions.

As well in July we said goodbye to Erasmus+ volunteers Vedat Yalçın and Tuba Çoban, who had been with Svitac (Firefly) for six months. They are very nice people and I was very happy to get to know them. Svitac (Firefly) wishes them the best of luck and I personally look forward to following their journeys on social media!

Finally, another cool thing that kicked off in July was the Harry Potter Book Club, started by volunteers Manja and Jovana, (international and local volunteers respectively). In preparation for the first meeting we drew cool signs like “The Divination Room” for different activity areas (I drew a big cauldron — with Jovana’s help), which was a lot of fun. We met three times in July — the first two times to the first Harry Potter book in audiobook form, drawing, and socializing, and the third time they set up the projector and we watched the first Harry Potter movie.

This has been one of the coolest things I have ever done! It will definitely be with mixed feelings that I leave on August 20th.

Follow us on Facebook (@omladinska.svitac), Instagram (@omladinska.svitac) and Twitter (@Svitac_BiH) if you’d like to keep up-to-date on Svitac (Firefly) Bosnia activities and events!

Hvala puno! (Thank you very much!)

Trevor Waters, Omprakash/Svitac (Firefly) volunteer



Activities, Volunteer Blog