International Zero Waste Day 2023
30.03. is celebrated as International Zero Waste Day. Svitac (Firefly in Bosnia) has taken this as an opportunity to discuss climate and environmental protection this week. The workshop was held with a group of young people 16+. Lenja, the coordinator of the workshop talked at the beginning about two topics: what is the principle of zero waste and what is “Earth Overshoot Day”.
After the introduction, the group was divided into two teams and played an environmental quiz about environmental pollution and resource consumption. The participants also discussed the question.“What is the problem with plastic in the ocean?”
After that, the participants had a so-called silent discussion. There were four questions, each written on a poster.
Are climate change and environmental protection an issue in Bosnia and Herzegovina/Germany?
Are climate and environmental protection important issues?
What can we do to protect the climate and the environment?
What should the government do to protect the climate and the environment?
At this point, everybody had time to write down their thoughts on the question on the posters and read through what the others had written. These thoughts were shared among the group and the participants developed a lively conversation with an intensive exchange. That was also this workshop’s biggest goal: to create a space for exchange. This became even more interesting because the group was international and experiences from different countries could be exchanged. Another goal of this workshop was to draw attention to the problem in order to encourage people to do something for more climate and environmental protection.