International Women’s Day 2021

In 1977, the UN General Assembly proclaimed a resolution of the United Nations Day for the Rights of Women and International Peace. A celebration of women recognized internationally. This International Women’s Day was designated for 8th March.

We celebrated the day at Svitac with a discussion on the women we cherish. The participants spoke about their mothers, sisters, aunts and grandmothers. Some of them help with chores at home and others try to not make too much mess!

For the special women in our lives, we designed and crafted handmade cards to give to our family members. There was a fantastic spark of creativity with glittery hearts, colourful designs, handcrafted flowers and messages such as ‘Sretan 8. Mart, (Happy 8th March) and ‘Volim te’ (I love you). We hope they enjoy receiving them as a symbol of our love and appreciation. Happy International Women’s Day!


