International Volunteer Day 2020

The word ‘volunteer’ (French: volontaire) means a person who does some work for free. Around the world, volunteers and volunteering are defined in different ways and have different dimensions, but it can be freely said that in its broadest definition, volunteer work is an unpaid, non-careerist, non-profit, freely chosen activity that occurs in different forms. International Volunteer Day was proclaimed by the United Nations on December 17th 1985 and is celebrated worldwide on December 5th.

Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) has marked this day with a video with international and local volunteers. We gave them the opportunity and space to say why they are volunteering and why they will unselfishly continue to help in their local and wider community.



Solidarity, support and selfless help have played a big role this year and have shown that there are no nations, skin colour, religion and differences in the humanitarian goal. Today, helping someone without any personal or financial gain is a great thing! We want to encourage everyone who wants to help in any segment, because the rewards are great – a full heart, life experiences and new friends!


