International Peace Day 2017

International Peace Day workshop was held on the 21st of September with 2 groups of the participants (age group range from 4-7 and 8-13 years old).

Participants from the first group (4-7 years old) were talking about what they think peace is; at that age they identified peace as the time where there is no war.
The second exercise was how they can act trough their daily life in order to nurture the global idea of peace. They got to conclusion that they need to avoid: insulting other people, avoid violence and getting into verbal conflicts.
They had discussions about these topics with questions: Have you ever been a victim of violence, insult or verbal conflict? Have they seen anybody doing those things? How did you feel doing that? How did you feel when somebody did this to you?
The workshop’s coordinator did a small exercise where he represented the emotion as a white paper and the paper was still intact which represented emotions before being violent; the second part was when one child had to crumple the paper which represented emotions after he behave badly. The final step was to unfold the paper and apologizes to it; then they were asked if the paper was straight and intact as it was before it was insulted and they said no – based on that example they were thought they should behave well towards other people.
The final activity for them was to colour peace signs and cut out shapes of piece dove which were then used to decorate the big peace poster.

Participants of the second group (7-13 years old) made piece flowers. Everybody designed their own unique flower with a peace symbol on it. They combined those flowers with peace doves from the participants of the first group to make one big poster for the International Peace Day. Discussions were held about what peace is and why it is important to us.




Activities, news