International Education Day 2023

International Education Day is celebrated on January 24 around the world under the auspices of UNESCO. This day is a symbol of strengthening the role that education has in creating global peace, development, and progress.

Svitac (Firefly in Bosnia) celebrated International Education Day with participants 4+ and 16+ in a creative workshop. We talked to them about the importance of having an education and going to school. In the creative part, the participants made a booklet in a shape of a house with the name “Firefly school” and draw inside how they feel when they attend the workshops.

With participants 16+ we talked about education and learning via the Internet through various platforms, and about the advantages and disadvantages of this type of learning. Of course, the Internet has opened up a field of great possibilities and availability of information, but it also has negative sides.

We discussed with the participants is it rather dangerous or enriching and how did it change the ways of learning in general. We also have asked questions such as “How do you continue your education?”, “What does education mean to you? How do you imagine a school in the future?” and “What are you missing at school?/What do you like?”.

The workshops were held on the premises of the Brčko District Youth Centre.



Activities, news