International Democracy Day 2019

To this day (15th of September), an International Democracy Day is being held under the UN Convention.

Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) organized a workshop for a group of children from 4 to 7 years old.

Through the activities, they were first introduced to the concept of democracy insofar as it is methodically understandable to children of this age.

Practically, participants made one hand on a piece of paper, which after decorating and circling, was glued to a panel forming a flower in the middle of which the words of the association were written in the learned term (in English, German and Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian).

Through this workshop, the children realized that these hands represent their voting rights and participation in future decisions.

The workshop was attended by 14 children and was held at the Youth Center of Brcko District.




Activities, news