International Day of Families 2021

The United Nations began to focus on issues relating to the family in the 1980s, and ever since the International Day of Families has been marked on the 15th May.

Here at Svitac (Firefly Bosnia), we held a workshop with children talking about a wide range of different families, as well as reminding ourselves of the words for family members in the local language, and learning new words in English. We started off playing a day and night game to warm up and afterwards played board games together too.

We used the family tree as a technique to discuss our widely varying families, and children reflected on their family: who they live with, who lives far away and how many people live in their household. We also shared memories and stories about our treasured family members.

By sharing this information and talking about it together, participants exchanged knowledge and feelings about their families and talked about the importance of family. We talked about friends and family together, as both forms an important of our support systems, whether old or young. The themes we explored enhanced our understanding of friendship and togetherness, with the diversity of our widely differing friends being clear.



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