International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism 2020

This year is no different! The 9th of November 2020 will mark the 82nd anniversary of the ‘Kristallnacht’ pogrom in Germany and Austria. This was the Night of Broken Glass which, in 1938, leftover 250 synagogues shattered, over 7,000 Jewish-owned businesses destroyed, over 30,000 Jewish men incarcerated into concentration camps.

This hate spread unchecked, and three years later, the world saw the Holocaust. Today, we remember these horrors, and we say #NeverAgain.
We have seen what unchecked discrimination has been a prelude to, and every year we use this time to remind ourselves of all the work that is left to be done. Firefly Bosnia has marked this day with a group of young people from Brčko district BiH, talking about the power of poetry and encouraging them to speak loud and send a strong message against fascism.

Some parts of the text in the video are taken from the web magazine “I am not a silent poet” ( by author Dave Rendle. His poem is dedicated to Heather Heyer. The young woman was killed on August 12th 2017, when a car ploughed into counter-protesters after a white supremacist rally in Virginia, USA. The man charged with Heather’s murder was a 20-year-old from Ohio who had demonstrated that day alongside a white nationalist group and had a longstanding fascination with Hitler.


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