International Day against Child Labour 2024

The UN marks the International Day against Child Labour on 12th June every year.

Svitac (Firefly in Bosnia) marked this day with the 15+ group. Jonathan, an international volunteer presented this topic through discussion.

What is child labour? – “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity; it is also harmful to physical and mental development”.

We are all aware that child labour leads to economic exploitation and it often cuts children off from schooling/education and health care, restricting their fundamental rights.

One participant mentioned that children working in acting were not considered child labour, so the discussion continued deeper. The group was looking for solutions and ideas on how child labour could be stopped: through education, creating safe spaces, importing and reinforcing new laws, protests, educate parents and families.
The workshop was held in the premises of the Youth Centre of Brčko District.



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