International Day against Child Labour 2022

The UN marks the International Day against Child Labour on 12th June every year.

Svitac (Firefly in Bosnia) marked this day with two groups of participants. With the group of 16+, we shared a couple of videos and discussed fast fashion, its negative impacts on these areas and most importantly, what we can do as a community to change this. The participants also drew paper clouds and wrote keywords on this topic.

The second group of 13+ also watched a video about children from Syria forced to work to support their families financially; we also discussed with them the methods how to fight child labour and then made a poster with the key phrases about children’s rights: making rights real, keeping families together, free education, family, love and protection, health, food, water and environment.

All of these activities reminded our participants that many children around the world are suffering, but also that they have a right to a happy childhood, education, healthy food and love.



Activities, news