Human Rights Day 2022

Human Rights Day is observed annually on 10th December. It celebrates the adoption and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

To honor this, Svitac (Firefly in Bosnia) held two workshops for young people 16+ to talk about and understand the rights they hold. Both workshops started with the introduction of human rights and continued with the discussion about similarities and differences between Bosnia and Herzegovina and other European countries. The first workshop was held in German with Marlen and Lotte and compared social systems in Germany and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the second was in English – a conversation about basic human rights with Lenja and Maika, international volunteers. The participants made a beautiful poster with hand prints and wrote basic human rights on it. Education, healthcare, family, and equality were all aspects of the Universal Declaration which were explored during the workshops.

The principles declared in 1948 are as relevant today as they were when they were established. Awareness of our rights allows us to stand up for those of others; by educating people about their rights, we work towards a society built on empowerment.



Activities, news