On Friday the 26th of October, Svitac (Firefly) held its annual Halloween party for the children of the Brčko District at the local youth centre. It was a day full of scares, snacks, but most importantly, a lot of fun!


    In the morning children aged 4 to 7 had the chance to come to the youth centre dressed up in their costumes. After listening the story of Hans & Gretel told by our local Volunteer Aldina, the kids watched Scooby-Doo cartoons in our self-made Halloween mini-cinema. When the cartoon was over the kids got to enjoy Halloween by playing ‘Zombie-chase’, getting their faces painted, and of course eating lots of Halloween snacks.

    At 6pm, children aged 8+ came to the youth centre for our evening Halloween party. During this event the participants had three different Halloween-themed stations to enjoy. First, there was a station called ‘Spider-Football’, where the participants were divided into two teams to play football while doing the ‘Spiderwalk’. The second station consisted of a mystery box game, a haunted house photo booth, and a Frankenstein nose-picking game which the children made themselves during Svitac’s (Firefly’s) daily workshops. The last station was made up of the ‘Cookies on a string’ and ‘Hidden sweets in flour’ games.

    After giving the participants the chance to enjoy each of the activities by rotating the stations every 20 minutes, everyone gathered in the youth centre’s cinema room for the costume contest. Here, the 10 children who had the best self-made costumes were invited on stage. The participants who received the loudest cheers and applause from the crowd were chosen as the winners and received a small prize for their costumes. After announcing the winners of the costume contest, the participants were able to come together, make friends, and enjoy refreshments and Halloween snacks. These snacks included ‘Ghost-cookies’, ‘Bloody fingers’, and ‘Mini-pumpkins’, which were prepared by Svitac’s (Firefly’s) staff and volunteers.

    We would also like to thank Caffe & poslastičarnica Merci for donated Halloween sweets for the participants.

    This year’s Halloween party was attended by over 130 children from the local community, and was organized and prepared with the help and support of our dedicated staff, local and international volunteers.



