Global Money Week 2019

On the 3rd of April Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) supported the activity “Global Money Week” initiated by Association of High School Students in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ASuBiH), a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organization that gathers over 1,200 high school students in 62 local communities across Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“Global Money Week” is a project initiated by the CYFI (Child and Youth Finance Initiative) aimed at inspiring children and young people to be informed about money, support and entrepreneurship. This project was launched in 2012 as a Child Finance Day and so far has affected the lives of 7.8 million children and young people through 23,700 organizations in 137 countries. The association of high school students has been part of their campaign since 2015.

Members of the AsuBiH held an interactive workshop “Currencies from around the world”, adapted to the age. The youngest Svitac’s (Firefly Bosnia’s) participants had the opportunity to look at various bank notes, and then create their own. Beside this activity, there were various competitive games, as well as discussions on the topic of money, attitude towards money and how much savings is important.

The workshops took place in the facilities of the local youth centre.




Activities, news