“Faces of my Brčko” – exhibition at ‘Crni Bombarder’

Participants from Omladinska Organizacija Svitac (Firefly) are currently exhibiting their artwork at ‘Crni Bombarder’, in a group exhibition called “Faces of my Brčko”. Artworks will be on display from 13th to 20th May 2017.
At the beginning of April Svitac’s (Firefly’s) evening art class were invited to have a group exhibition at a local Brčko bar, called ‘Crni Bombarder’. So, over the last month the art class have been working hard to come up with a theme and produce art work for the proposed exhibition. Together they decided that the theme for their exhibition would be “Faces of my Brčko”. The theme was open to interpretation, and could be taken in whatever direction the participants saw fit. Artworks produced for the exhibition include portraits of people from/in Brčko that are important to the participants, self portraits, portraits set in Brčko landscape and portraits that represent the mood/personality of Brčko and its citizens. All artworks have been produced on paper (for hanging purposes), but involve a variety of different mediums, including: collage, drawings (in pen and pencil), paintings and photography. There are 8 participants in the exhibition in total, 7 participants aged 16yrs+ and one participant aged 9. Feedback from the exhibition has been very positive, and the staff at ‘Bombarder’ have said that they are pleased and impressed with the quality of the work.

“Faces of My Brčko” is the final exhibition that the evening art class will be doing together as unfortunately Svitac’s (Firefly’s) art coordinator (Eleonore Pearson), who has been coordinating these evening classes for the last 7 months, will be leaving at the beginning of June. Eleonore has really enjoyed running these art classes, is very proud of the progress and artworks her participants have made, and feels that the exhibition is a great success. Eleonore would also like to thank ‘Bombarder’ staff for offering to host the exhibition and for all their help and support in arranging it.



Activities, news