European Action Week Against Racism

The 21st of March marks the International observance of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on the international calendar. At Svitac (Firefly in Bosnia) we held workshops with students in the high school. Marlen and Lotte, international volunteers who were coordinating the workshops, encouraged students to share their views on topics: racism problem in the constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, racism on the borders and migration in Europe, local problems with racism, and personal experiences of discrimination. Participants had a lively discussion that touched on discrimination and poor treatment of diverse migrants on European borders, as well as personal experiences.

The workshop started with a game which was called, „one step forward“, all the students stood in a line, and every student was given a role, they were asked questions and if the answer was „yes“ they had to do a step forward. While they were answering the questions and taking the steps, the gap between different roles got bigger. After this game, students were invited to analyze the results and discuss why some people experience more racism, and some less so.

Marlen and Lotte made the definition of racism clear and afterward the students were shown a video about racism in our everyday life.

In the end, the students worked in groups and presented their own views on this issue. They were asked to reflect on the existence of racism in their town and to share their own experiences.

#standuptoracism #stayunited #inequalities #svitacbosnia #FireflyinBosnia #FireflyInternational



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